Here is a Comprehensive List of Sony PS1 Video Games that are not Backwards Compatible with the NTSC (North American) Sony PS2 Gaming Console
st part a large majority of Sony PlayStation 1 games can be played on the PlayStation 2, however a few games just refuse to be played on anything other than the classic PS1 console. Some games may load and you may even be able to get to a certain point in the story, however these games will experience some compatibility issues ranging from vanishing images to glitchy sound effects. Plea
NTSC vs. PAL Games: Bridging the International Gaming Divide
NTSC vs. PAL Games: Bridging the International Gaming Divide
There are some obvious signs on a game whether it is NTSC or PAL. The ratings for games are different. The U.S. NTSC ESRB (The Entertainment Software Rating Board) has E for Everyone, E10+, T for Teen, M for Mature, and Adults Only 18+ other than some older games such as “Early Childhood, or “Kids to Adults,” which was eventually renamed Everyone in the late 1990’s. Many games and movies will note in small print on the back cover whether it is NTSC, PAL, or Region Free.