The Sony PlayStation 2 (PS2) Different Video Game Cases
The Sony PlayStation 2 (PS2) Different Video Game Cases When the PlayStation 2 (PS2) launched in 2000, it wasn’t just...
A Collector or Player's Guide to the Original Sonic the Hedgehog Sega Genesis Variants
When it comes to retro gaming, few franchises evoke as much nostalgia as Sonic the Hedgehog. Released in 1991 for the Sega Genesis, Sonic the Hedgehog not only revolutionized platforming games but also became a cornerstone of Sega’s marketing efforts during the 16-bit console wars. Collectors of retro games often find themselves fascinated by the different retail variants of Sonic the Hedgehog cartridges and cases, including the original release, the second print run, and the iconic “Not For Resale” edition. This blog dives into the differences among these versions, examining their inserts, case designs, and how they were originally distributed.
The “Not For Resale” variant is significantly less expensive than the “Retail” version of the first Sonic game. Usually when we see a “Not For Resale” on a game cartridge we see $$$, but it is the complete opposite in the case of Sonic The Hedgehog for the Sega Genesis! Many people assume that the NFS version is more valuable and often you’ll see on local marketplaces that they jack the price up on these, but if you look hard enough, you can snatch up a Retail version for way less than on Ebay or Mercari. I have noticed that a lot of video game stores do not price these variants differently.
Every Mario Kart Video Game Ever Released and Their Own Unique Appeal!
Every Mario Kart Video Game Ever Released and Their Own Unique Appeal! 1. Super Mario Kart (1992) Platform: Super Nintendo...
The Color of Nostalgia: Why are Some NES Game Boards Blue and Others are Green?
The Color of Nostalgia: Why are Some NES Game Boards Blue and Others are Green? The Nintendo Entertainment System (NES)...
A List of Nintendo 64 (N64) Game Titles with a Color Cartridge Variant
A List of Nintendo 64 (N64) Game Titles with a Color Cartridge Variant
We have all seen different color cartridges for retro video games. The early NES and SNES game cartridges were mostly grey in color. There were some cartridges that had more visual appeal than the standard grey color, however. A few did come in fun colors, such as Doom for Super Nintendo, which came in red. There were also two variants of The Legend of Zelda on NES, which featured a shiny gold finish.
When the Nintendo 64 console hit the market, Nintendo released quite a few lovely colors for their games, more than they ever had before. These colors included gold, red, and yellow. Later on in this article, we will give a complete list of all the game titles that were produced in a color other than grey, so keep on reading!
Looking back, there were 42 game titles that were released as colored cartridges for Nintendo 64. There were 268 N64 game titles released in total. So, only about 15% of the game titles released for Nintendo 64 had colored variants available. Interestingly, some of the color options that Nintendo offered to publishers were never released commercially for any game. For example, there were never any beige or pink cart