
  • Extra Content – Some games feature minor improvements or additional content that might make them the better choice for gameplay.
  • Easier to Find – Due to their reprints, Player’s Choice editions are generally more available in used game stores or online marketplaces.

Whether you should opt for Black Label or Player’s Choice depends on your preference. If you’re a collector focused on aesthetics and value….or it’s just that “thing” the need to have the very first, Black Label editions are the way to go. Have you ever checked auction sites such as Heritage Auctions and saw the price difference on “usually” graded video games based on their release? Two copies of the same title in the exact same condition on the very same day can sell for thousands of dollars in difference due to the time release of that copy! But, as a gamer, if you’re simply looking

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NTSC vs. PAL Games: Bridging the International Gaming Divide

There are some obvious signs on a game whether it is NTSC or PAL. The ratings for games are different. The U.S. NTSC ESRB (The Entertainment Software Rating Board) has E for Everyone, E10+, T for Teen, M for Mature, and Adults Only 18+ other than some older games such as “Early Childhood, or “Kids to Adults,” which was eventually renamed Everyone in the late 1990’s. Many games and movies will note in small print on the back cover whether it is NTSC, PAL, or Region Free.

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