The Last Of Us Video Game Prologue Overview
PlayStation Exclusive Title

Spoiler alert: Please note that this prologue synopsis of the highly acclaimed video game The Last Of Us will have some plot giveaways.

Before we hit the cold and unforgiving wasteland which is the landscape basis of this game, we start off with our main protagonist Joel in the beginning, “before the infection.”

Dark has fallen and the people of the world are moments away from discovering the monsters in which infected humans will become. A day at the mall, coffee with mom, and our protagonist Joel receiving a loving gift (a watch) from his young daughter Sara are all what will soon be a distant dream of a world that once was. A world with worries that pale in comparison from the nightmares that are breathed into life by a virus that is an infection to the brain and turns its host into a vicious zombie like creature.

After a young Joel receives his birthday gift from his daughter Sara, she quickly falls asleep. She awakes to her father gone and walks around the house in search of him. Her Uncle Tommy calls in a panic asking where her dad is to which the phone call is disconnected.

After about 5 minutes of gameplay, Joel returns and the neighbor has been infected to which Joel “puts him down.” The panic has begun! Uncle Tommy shows up and Joel takes his daughter Sara with hopes to escape the area. There is an accident in town and their truck flips and Sara is unable to walk and her dad heroically carries her by foot.

Joel and Tommy separate while Joel makes his way out of town. They run into a soldier who calls it in. You can hear the soldier say, “But sir, there’s a little girl.” The soldier agrees to his duty and shoots his weapon at Joel and Sara. They both roll away from each other and the soldier attempts to shoot Joel. Uncle Tommy has come to the rescue and puts a bullet in the soldier.

Joel quickly realizes not everything is okay…. One of the soldiers bullets didn’t miss. Sara is bleeding profusely and Joel comes to the rescue, but there isn’t anything he can do. He holds her until the life breathes out of her.

This video game is available on Sony PS3, remastered for PS4 and PS5.

Happy gaming! Feel free to comment with your own thoughts or questions. 

- Lauren @ Video Game Gem Vault


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